ŻPE ogłasza nabór na stanowiska
Dyrekcja Żywieckiego Parku Etnograficznego ogłasza nabór na następujące stanowiska pracy:
- kasjer /przewodnik- wymagania: ukończone studia na kierunku etnologia,historia, kulturoznawstwo, historia sztuki, łatwość wypowiadania się, znajomość obsługi kasy fiskalnej, komunikatywna znajomość języka angielkiego.
- konsewator- wymagania: umiejętność przeprowadzania prac renowatorskich w szerokim zakresie (drewno,metal,malarstwo sztalugowe,papier,rzeźba). Umiejętność pisania programów konserwatorskich. Wykształcenie potwierdzjące umiejętności.
Welcome to Etnopark
We would like to welcome you to the Żywiecki District’s Ethnographic Park – it is the one-of-a-kind place in the whole Europe. The times, that are considered as the distant past or that are known only from books, documents and tales – all those are revived with precision and piety, in order to maintain the roots and foundations forming the tradition of the mountaineers from Beskidy, as well as their architecture, elements of their culture and former life.
The main task was also to highlight the unique identity and unrepeatable ethnographic features of the Żywiecki District. Behind the characteristic gate, being the very starting point of the trunk road, the mountaineers’ village, full of objects and relicts from various historic periods, having their unique soul revived again is awaiting visitors. Some buildings were transferred here in their initial form in order to protect them against destroying, but one can find objects, that were carefully reproduced basing on various documents, pictures and descriptions, to make the Żywiecki District’s Ethnographic Park a complete visiting place, with capabilities to astonish visitors with its spirit, authenticity and unique values. The idea to create a heritage park at first and later – the Ethnographic Park on the area of the Żywiecki District was formed few years ago.
The idea has always had many supporters, but the main barrier preventing it from being created was the financial issues. Thanks to the European Union’s financial aid obtained by the Ślemień Commune and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage suport, as well as additional funding from the budget of the commune, the dream of many individuals came true. They have always wanted to preserve the most valuable treasures of the Żwiecki District mountaineers’ identity – the unique, antique architecture with all its characteristic details, rooted in the heart of the mountains and hiding a mystery and the methods of living in the village located in this part of Besikidy many years ago.
We would like to welcome you all to visit the Żywiecki District’s Ethnographic Park. Passing the main gate is the beginning of the journey to the place, which was presented in such a way, to compliment the historic landscape of the Żywiecki District.